3 Easy Ways to Practice Mindfulness Meditation Every Day

It sounds fancy, but mindfulness is a simple concept that you may already be practising without even knowing it. You’ll find it in that moment you sit outside and watch the steam drift off your coffee mug, you become aware of the sound of the birds, the temperature of the air and you notice how you feel on an emotional level. Whether that is a heavy or light emotion, suddenly you see it for exactly what it is. And then, as quickly as it appeared, it’s gone again. Sound familiar?


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What is Meditation?

The best answer I have found to this question comes from The Sutras of Patanjali and it’s his explanation of yoga: “yogas chitta vritti nirodha”. Which means, in short, yoga is the observation of the fluctuations of the mind. Yoga is essentially meditation in movement, so meditation is exactly that - sitting with our thoughts.

You can take an active or passive approach to meditation; once you’ve created this sense of presence you can choose to simply sit with it and just be an observer. Or you can also choose to make a change and redirect your thoughts and emotions, for example, by practicing a mantra or visualisation.

What is mindfulness meditation and why should I do it?

Mindfulness meditation is a passive form of meditation; is is the practice of being fully present in every moment and keenly aware of our emotions, our surroundings and our thoughts.

I know what you’re thinking; this sounds HARD, and who reeeaally has time for this? Well, it IS hard and if you don’t have time you can make time. The benefits of mindfulness meditation are far-reaching; it can literally rewire your brain to help you manage stress and anxiety. It can clear brain fog, lethargy and help you look at the world with more kindness and positivity. And the best thing about this practice is that it is SO easy to do and you can start TODAY with just five minutes.

Here are 3 easy ways you can practice mindfulness meditation every day…

  1. Next time you’re in the shower, close your eyes and connect with your breath. Notice the gentle movement of your body as it breaths; how your shoulders rise and fall, how your belly fills and empties. Don’t change your breath, just observe it. Then take your attention to feel of water hitting your skin, notice exactly how it feels when it lands and the temperature. Notice any parts of your body that are chilly, or are very warm. Listen to the sound the water makes when it lands on your skin or against the shower walls and floor. Finally, notice any predominant thoughts or emotions that arise and see if you can sit with them, at least for a moment and without judgement, before they slip away again.

  2. When you’re eating a meal sit up straight in your chair and eliminate any distractions. Try to really taste the food. And I mean really taste it; not just jump to a decision about whether or not you like it straight away. Is it sharp, sweet, strong, bland? What is the texture of it? Is it cool or warm? Listen to the sound of the cutlery against the plate and the feel of it in your hands. Try to remain in this state of awareness throughout your meal, observing how and where your thoughts are being pulled away when they drift.

  3. Go for a walk and leave your phone at home. Instead, look up! Notice the sky today and the true colour of it. Notice the trees and grass and pavements and buildings. Observe the way the sun hits the things around you and where the shadows lie. Breath full, deep breaths and be aware of any scents in the air; try not to decide immediately whether or not you like them. Just smell them for what they are. Let any emotions or thoughts arise when they do - just observe them as they wonder across your peripheral.


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