Benefits of prenatal yoga for pregnancy, birth and early motherhood

If you’re reading this I’m guessing you’ve currently got a cute little bun in the oven and your doctor, friend, neighbour or bestie told you you should start doing prenatal yoga. And there’s a few very good reasons that everyone’s shouting about it from the rooftops too; yoga is the number one recommended activity for pregnant woman, right alongside walking and swimming and I’m going to tell you why!


6 Key Benefits of Prenatal Yoga

  1. Prenatal yoga improves muscles tone

    Prenatal yoga tones the muscles of, well pretty much everything, but most importantly for pregnancy, the deep core muscles. Core strength is SO important to support your body as it changes, and women who practice yoga regularly throughout their pregnancy report having little to no lower back pain, improved pelvic floor control, little or no pelvic girdle pain, reduced instances of incontinence and they are better protected from diastasis recti (abdominal separation after birth).

  2. Prenatal yoga improves pelvic floor function

    The pelvic floor muscles move in conjunction with the core unit, and yoga works the deep core muscles; both flexing and stretching them which makes for stronger and more flexible pelvic floor muscles. When your pelvic floor is functioning optimally you’re more likely to give birth naturally and easily as the muscles are able to fully relax and expand, then contract and come back together. Not only does excellent pelvic floor health lead to an easier natural birth it will help you manage incontinence (both before and after the arrival of your little angel), prolapse and help you heal quicker after birth.

  3. Prenatal yoga provides relief from common pregnancy aches & pains

    Suffering from back pain? Hip pain? Swollen joints? Insomnia? There’s some yoga for that! Women in my Bump & Flow membership who practice yoga throughout their pregnancy have reported feeling more comfortable in their pregnancy bodies at every stage and more in control and at ease with all the changes because they can address all the aches and pains that arise quickly and effectively.

  4. Learn breathing techniques for labour and birth

    Yoga, above all else, teaches you how to breath and how to use your breath to stay grounded and calm in stressful situations (ie. labour and birth). What’s more, the right prenatal yoga classes will teach you how to connect your breath with your core, enabling you to stay connected to your pelvic floor during birth and allow you to effectively, “breath your baby out.” Read more on breathing your baby out here.

  5. Meditation will help you remain present and positive throughout your pregnancy and birth

    For so many women pregnancy can be a very stressful time; your body is suddenly changing, you’re worried about the health of your baby, you’re worried about your finances, your job, your relationships and all of this mixed in with the cocktail of hormones pumping around your body can result in a few very tearful moments or even days. Prenatal yoga uses meditation to help you stay calm during turbulent times, helping you move through your pregnancy with more grace and ease and teaching you to be kind to yourself every step of the way.

  6. Prenatal yoga creates a valuable space in your day or week to connect with your baby

    It can sometimes be hard to feel emotionally connected to the kicks and wiggles we feel inside ourselves, and so many women report not even really connecting with their baby or accepting the baby is part of their life until it’s actually in their arms. Prenatal yoga provides a dedicated time for you to embrace this incredible journey you are on and connect with the little life growing inside you.


Practice Prenatal Yoga Online

My Bump & Flow Prenatal Yoga Classes are 15hrs of intelligently and intentionally designed prenatal yoga classes designed to help you feel strong, mobile and grounded through your pregnancy, birth and early motherhood. You can start today with a 2-week free trial on, and use the code KAT25 for 25% off your membership.