FEEL Prenatal Multivitamin Review

I’ve been a big ol’ fan of FEEL since I discovered them around a year ago and they had launched their first, reinvented multivitamin which I LOVE. You can read my review of that here. So when I became pregnant and they came out with a pregnancy supplement I was beyond excited to be able to rejoin the FEEL family and write this review.


This pregnancy supplement review is sponsored by FEEL, but my opinion is not. It also contains affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase through some of the links I provide I can earn a small commission at no cost to you. Thanks for your support!

First things first…


Let’s be real, women have been birthing babies for forever without supplements so maybe we don’t really need to be popping multivitamins. But these days we have research and modern medicine on our side. We know so much more about the precautions we can take to better ensure the health and happiness of our growing babes and ourselves during pregnancy and breastfeeding. More than that, we have better access to tools and information that help us THRIVE, rather than just survive during pregnancy, and who doesn’t want to feel amazing during this most magical time of their life?!

I spent one month off my prenatal multivitamins and I felt a huge difference in my energy levels and mood. So I’m a firm believer in taking advantage of pregnancy supplements that are clean, efficient and contain no *excess doses. *If you need a supplement on top of the RDA (recommended dietary allowance) you’ll be instructed by your doctor to take one. Taking excess doses of certain supplements when you don’t actually need them can have little or sometimes detrimental effects - too much iron, for example, can leave you feeling a little, ahem, backed up!


When it comes to pregnancy supplements you can check out the NICE guidelines to see the most recent recommendations on the necessary additional supplements to take during pregnancy. At the time of writing NICE recommends including a Vitamin D and Folic Acid supplement, as they have been proven to contribute hugely to the essential health and wellbeing of you and your baby. Both of these should be found in any prenatal multivitamin you take.

Mums-to-be are right to be picky about what they are putting in their body; during pregnancy we’re not just fuelling ourselves but we’re fuelling our growing bubs too! So it’s only right to want the very best. On top of the essentials; Vitamin D and Folic Acid, there are a couple of other vitamins and minerals that have been linked to contributing to the overall wellbeing of both mom and baby. Your prenatal multivitamin will also often include:

  • IRON - a lot of pregnant women struggle with iron deficiency during pregnancy so an iron supplement is often recommended.

  • CALCIUM - Calcium is important for strong healthy bones and teeth for both mom and babe.

  • VITAMIN C - Vitamin C contributes to cell health and growth and, seeing as your body is making new cells every day, this is a little helper that you definitely want on your side.

FEEL’s pregnancy supplement, in review

I am so thrilled to be able to able to write this review for FEEL’s pregnancy supplement because they have made a name for themselves for producing high-quality, clean supplements with no excess doses that deliver on multiple levels. I’m such a fan! As well as providing 100% of your recommended dose of Folic Acid, Vitamin D and Iron, FEEL’s prenatal vitamins include 16 other important vitamins and minerals that contribute to the health and wellbeing of both mum and bub. Click here to read all about their expertly crafted formula.


But wait, it gets better - their prenatal multivitamin also includes probiotics, which contributes to mum’s gut health (gut health is directly linked to our overall physical and mental wellbeing) - an area of the body that tends to take a beating when we binge eat donuts and ice cream at 10PM. Don’t look so shocked Susan, I know you’ve been there too! :D


You can join the FEEL fam for FREE today if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. They offer the option to order one box (UK delivery is very quick!) or you can subscribe to a monthly delivery.

Click the link below to get your first month FREE!